Day 10: Jumpy jump

10 Jan

day 10

I was on my own today for a lunch-time workout. About five minutes before heading over to the gym, I scribbled down some exercises I felt like doing and created my own circuit workout. I was really in the mood for some jumping/plyo stuff, or so I thought.  Above is the workout I “planned out”, yet I made some modifications as I went along. Instead of jumping side lunges on a bench, I did alternating jump lunges. (The “alt plank” as it’s listed on my fancy schmancy log is when you’re in the plank position and you go up and down to your forearms and back up to your hands. I make up my own names when I can’t remember what it’s actually called.) For the workout,  my original thought was to set the timer for 50 seconds of “work” and 10 seconds of “rest” and go through the first circuit 4 times and then move onto the second circuit for the same time sequence. And BAM there’s a 30 minute workout.  Well, I only got through the first set three times, and the second set twice.  I was exhausted and everything was burning. This type of workout really gets your heartrate pumping and with limited recovery time, you really need your mental A-game!  But since I was doing exercises that I “felt” like doing, I was more inclined to get after it a little harder.  Yes, you do see burpees on my list, and yes, there are times when I actually want to do them.  However, that is very rare 🙂

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